
Showing posts from May, 2009

Howto setting iLOM

Change default password for "root", default = changeme set /SP/users/root password=password Create new username "admin" create /SP/users/admin Modify user profile "admin" set /SP/users/admin role=Administrator set /SP/users/admin cli_mode=alom Setting CLI prompt setsc sc_cliprompt SRVNAME

Differences between trusted and non-trusted systems?

Trusted system  : Enabled for all of below functions. Non-trusted system : Disabled for all of below functions. System auditing enables tracing every system call issued by users on the system. Improved password management includes: - grace period and expiration period for password - password aging - specific account life - disable login after repeated login failures - random password generator Login Restrictions includes : - disabling and locking accounts - Setting accounts to be accessed only at certain times of the day - account location accessat specific devices, workstations, etc. - a single-user boot password. Shadowed passwords - kept in locations other than /etc/passwd. - prevents users from viewing the /etc/passwd file - prevents hackers from running "password cracker programs" against passwords in the /etc/passwd file

Howto re-install PHP support Oracle Client

If we have default php installation in RHEL 4u6, and we need to reinstall with php5 with oracle client supported. Uninstall all PHP4 rpm rpm -qa | grep php rpm -e php-* Install PHP5 rpm rpm -ivh php-common-5*.rpm rpm -ivh php-cli-5*.rpm rpm -ivh php-5*.rpm rpm -ivh sqlite-3*.rpm rpm -ivh sqlite2-*.rpm rpm -ivh php-pdo-5*.rpm rpm -ivh php-oci8-5*.rpm Install InstantClient mkdir -p /opt/oracle/instantclient cd /opt/oracle/instantclient unzip unzip echo /opt/oracle/instantclient/instantclient_10_2 >> /etc/ ldconfig cd /opt/oracle/instantclient/instantclient_10_2 ln -s ln -s ln -s Install oci8 cd /usr/local/src tar xzf oci8-x.x.x.tgz cd oci8-x.x.x phpize ./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/opt/oracle/instantclient/instantclient_10_2 make make install Restar...