Setting up Helix Server on Solaris
1.Get Helix server for solaris from
You will get rs1111-ga-solaris-8.tar.gz ( may different version ) and license that will be send to your email.
2. Extract file
# tar zxvf rs1111-ga-solaris-8.tar.gz
3. Install application including:
- choose installation directory, ex: /opt/app
- remember this value :
- RTSP Port=554
- HTTP Port=80
- MMSPort=1755
- MonitorPort=9090
- AdminPort=19341 ( may different port )
- set your admin password
# ./rs1116-ga-solaris-8.bin
4. go to your installation directory
# cd /opt/app/Helix_11.1.1099
5. change dir to Content directory as Helix's root directory which place to put all of media
# cd /opt/app/Helix_11.1.1099/Content/
6. Starting Helix Server:
# cd /opt/app/Helix_11.1.1099
# nohup Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg –m 1024 &
7. Check if Helix Server is running:
# ps –ef | grep rmserver
8. Go to your web administration interface
Here are basic installation ...
Great thanks to Mas Abi, he has a great of Streaming Solution.