Setting NFS Server on Solaris 9 part1

NFS server can be started manually:
# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start

This command will start at least two daemons: the NFS server (/usr/lib/nfs/nfsd) and the mount daemon (/usr/lib/nfs/mountd). nfsd is responsible for answering access requests from clients for shared volumes on the server, while mountd is responsible for providing information about mounted file systems.
To check whether or not the NFS server has started correctly, it is possible to examine the process list for nfsd and mountd:
# ps -eaf | egrep 'nfsd|mountd'
root 19961 1 0 Aug 31 ? 0:09 /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd -a 16
root 370 1 0 May 16 ? 2:49 /usr/lib/nfs/mountd

To actually share file systems and directories,you can use the share command.
For example, if you want to share the /opt/app directory from server1 to client1, client2, and client3:
# share -F nfs -o rw=client1,client2,client3 -d "app" /opt/app

You should add line above to /etc/dfs/dfstab
# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
share -F nfs -o rw=client1,client2,client3 "app" /opt/app

To unmount shared directory /opt/app
# unshare -F nfs /opt/app

It provide information about the permissions by which directories and file systems are shared, and show those shared resources that have no clients currently using them.
# share
- /opt/app rw=client1,client2,client3 "app"

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